Fadna Shape-Up Tea is specially formulated to help achieve your dream figure naturally. It contains 100% pure Ceylon Tea carefully blended with Garcinia Cambogia and spiced up with Vanilla, to give a delectable taste. The combination of Garcinia Cambogia with Ceylon tea is scientifically proven to be a much effective in the process of stimulating fat reduction, when augmented with proper exercise and a balanced diet.
Also, it’s important to note that Tea contains Polyphenols and flavonoids, which are known to improve body’s anti-oxidation ability. Therefore, combining Black tea with Garcinia Cambogia, have been proven to bring much promising results of body shaping, in comparison to ordinary green tea. This concoction will further prevent fat and carbohydrate oxidation; while increasing glycogen formation; that in turn will control excessive appetite; leading to your dream figure.
Benefits of Fadna Shape-up Tea
- Controls fat oxidation and promotes weight reduction.
- Reduces blood cholesterol level.
- Controls excessive appetite.
- Helps in slimming body while controlling obesity.
- Increase exercise endurance.
- Cardio protective properties.

How It Works
Hydroxy Citric Acid (HCA) in Garcinia cambogia blocks the Citric Lyase enzyme, produced by your body to make fat. The flavonoids and Polyphenols present in tea accelerate this process, while raising the serotonin level of the brain that will reduce your appetite.
Also, Garcinia cambogia is a popular cardio protective ingredient used in Ayurveda for centuries. Garcinia has been combined with tea and vanilla to provide a delicious flavour and to enhance the tea experience, by making it delightful.

How to Use
It is best to drink shape up tea twice a day, for at least 12 weeks. Expertise advise that its effective when drunk half and hour before the intake of meals. A low-calorie diet along with regular exercise will help you achieve optimal results within a short period of time. It is also advisable to drink a glass of water after having a shape up tea to accelerate the fat burning process.
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